Our synagogue began as Chabad of La Jolla in 1978 with a small group of dedicated individuals who gathered in a home in La Jolla to pray.

Various moves followed until eventually, the congregation moved to Marketplace Shopping Center in University City, where it occupied several office suites serving as synagogue, social hall, offices, junior congregation rooms and classrooms all combined.

The synagogue quickly grew, and it became very clear that a much larger facility was needed. However, the community became very frustrated that no building was available in the area. Eventually in 1997, the Bank of America building on Governor Drive announced that it would be closing. Immediately, the eager members of Chabad jumped at the chance to purchase this magnificent building.

Two years of hard work and active fundraising produced great results. The building was finally purchased and dedicated as the Chabad Jewish Center of University City.

Chabad of UC is now one the most active Jewish organizations in S. Diego. The synagogue conducts teen activities, young adult programs, adult education classes on a weekly basis. In addition, we boast unique programs that are for women only; in addition to classes for Hebrew speakers.

Our Shabbat & holiday events are well attended from a large swath of the broader community. We are host to a scholar in residence several times throughout the year.